Politics: How should we see Modi’s visit to Ladakh?

Raghavendar Sankara Krishnan
2 min readJul 5, 2020


Last week, Indian Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi visited Ladakh and interacted with the men in uniform. He delivered a vibrant motivational speech (few people might differ here).

The Prime Minister also visited the soldiers who were injured in the Galwan incident.

Now, coming to the point, as usual, the Left liberals started making unnecessary noise about this visit. I would like to view this visit in 2 different angles.

i) Motivational factor:

Modi visiting the soldiers is not something new. He is a regular visitor during festivals and special occasions.

Now, take the life of an ordinary soldier in the Army, especially in the remote border areas. He or She has to negotiate the harsh climatic conditions on their own. They don’t have contact with their families to fall back on them as support structures. Under these conditions, the visit of your boss (Prime Minister) and listening to speeches about your valour will definitely boost the morale and will work wonders.

Though not exactly similar, I can compare this to the ‘Town Halls’ conducted in Corporate environment.

ii) Posturing factor:

Everyone by now would be aware of the Galwan skirmish. Right after the skirmish, the Chinese Army or PLA was involved in massive drills in Tibet. What was the reason behind this?

China meant to signal a strong message by means of its theatrics.

“Every battle in won before it’s ever fought.”

-Sun Tzu

China took these words and showed similar theatrics even in the South China sea. A full blown war between India and China might be very costly for both the sides. In such a case, sending a strong message to the adversary will show strength and preparedness.

Modi’s visit in my opinion has served this purpose.

‘Jai Hind’



Raghavendar Sankara Krishnan

Content Writer, Education & Finance Enthusiast, Digital Consultant, Bibliophile